Lessons From Costa Rica

I’ve been here for just under 4 months, and I feel like I am going home a completely different person.

Here’s what I've learned throughout my time in the jungle:

• We learn most about ourselves and our shadow in seeing our reflection through another.

• We integrate our learning through time alone, sitting with what arises in a conscious, accepting way.

• We are part of nature, and all laws of nature apply to us and our human bodies. Get in tune with nature's rhythms and listen to your body's needs. You will not thrive unless you do this.

• Nature is designed to flow in the direction of life, and you can trust that. You are nature and you will always naturally flow toward life, health and abundance, if you can just have faith in that. Also, death is needed for new life to grow. An ending must happen for there to be a beginning. Do not resist endings and completions. They are there to support you, not thwart you.

• The universe IS always working out in your favor, as inconvenient as it may seem in the moment. If you can just trust that, you will only need to learn the lessons once.

On a deeply personal level, I trust my ability to hold space for transformation, in a way I've never felt before. I see myself through eyes of love and awe. I believe that I am totally as amazing as people keep telling me I am, and I deserve to sit with the powerful, magical women that I sit with. Something big has happened here, and the self-doubt I used to experience has dissolved.

I know who I am. I know how I serve. I know why I came to this earth.

Thank you, great Mother, for showing me, holding me and supporting me.

Pura vida.

Muchas gracias.


Jennifer P