Shifting Limiting Beliefs: A 3-Step Process

Interesting how so many of us seem to have the same limiting beliefs.

Different stories and different paths to get there, but the same ways we judge and compare, the same issues around self-worth and self-acceptance, the same guilt around receiving, the same tendency to put other’s needs first, and the same fear of there not being enough. Ultimately most people, especially in the west, are carrying around the same baggage.

“Programs” that we all seem to be running.

Why affirmations don’t work:
Affirmations are wonderful tools, however they only skim the surface because you are communicating with your conscious mind; and your patterns are ingrained deep in the subconscious. By using the formula below you begin to dig deeper into the places that have been in the shadow, that have been pushed down below the surface. If you can go there, you can begin to create foundational shifts in your perspective. And perspective, is everything. It is the difference between living in paradise or hell.

Clear, Align, Proclaim.
By using this method you are creating a safe space for yourself to BE, and thereby shifting out of resistance mode into allowing. Then you align your energy field, which allows you to become a clear channel to attract exactly what you focus on. Then, you specify your focus with grounded proclamations.

In the process of doing this you bring in safety, truth, vulnerability and awareness. The key codes to accessing the subconscious.

Step 1: Clear
Most of us are carrying around a great deal of energy that isn’t even ours. Have you ever had a sudden shift in mood and had no idea why? Energy becomes matter. Matter is dense energy. Emotions are energy in motion. Stagnant, repressed emotions become dense energy = matter. And round it goes. You can and are influenced by other people’s emotions. Especially if you don’t have strong boundaries.

There are many ways to clear your field of energy that is not yours. You can use sage or palo santo, feathers, sounding or shaking, and you can also use declarations. Here is a very simplified declaration you can use to clear your field.

Place one hand on your heart and repeat out loud:
“Standing in the divinity of my Higher Self, I claim direct access to Source awareness.
I now chose to cleanse and clear my entire field of all energies that are not mine, and that do not vibrate with the frequency of Love.
I now command all entities, or other people’s energy, emotions or thought-forms to free and release me now. I send all your energy back to you and call my own energy back to me.
By the power of the One Unified Heart, the One Universal Truth, and the Divine Being that I am, I claim freedom and sovereignty as my inherent right and reality.”

Step 2: Align
Aligning yourself as the zero point between earth and sky, sacred feminine and divine masculine.

  • Breathe deeply into your heart and send your exhale down into the Earth.

  • Feel yourself connected to and supported by the earth beneath you, the divine feminine, the Great Mother. Exhale down into her as if to say , “I love you” and inhale her response of, “I love you too.” Feel this love deep in your heart. Do this 2-3 times.

  • Then breathe deeply into your heart and exhale to send your breath up into the sky toward the Great Central Sun.

  • Feel yourself lovingly seen, witnessed and accepted by the sun and sky above you, the reflection of Divine Masculine. Exhale upward as if to say, “I love you” and inhale his response, “I love you too.” Feel this light deep in your heart. Do this 2-3 times.

  • Then on an inhale breathe up the love of the Earth and down the light of the Sun and exhale to feel them swirl in your heart. Do this 2 times. Then as you exhale send out a golden light from your heart to surround yourself in a bright shimmering pillar.

  • Continue for several breaths until you feel yourself fully encased in this Pillar of Light

Step 3: Proclaim

Imprint your desires into the field. Get specific about what you are transmuting and what you are creating. Your focus is where your energy will go.

I love to use the technology of the Violet Flame:
Imagine a bright, violet flame burning in front of you.
“Standing in the divinity of my Higher Self, I call upon and activate my mighty I AM presence.
In the name of Universal Law, and by the power of my sovereign Heart,
I place into the Violet Flame all agreements, soul contracts and experiences that…….

(Here is where you get creative. What programs are holding you back? “Agreements that keep me in scarcity, that cause me to feel self-conscious, soul contracts around taking care of other people at the expense of myself, experiences of dating unavailable men and the soul contract/core belief that keeps me attracting them, and vows or agreements that I must follow societies rules in order to be accepted, etc etc.) What pattern(s) can you identify that you are ready to transmute and put in the flame?
This clears the memory, record, cause, core, trauma, effect, root, hook and attachment for this and all incarnations.”

See the Violet Flame burning them away and transmuting the energy into Love. Either work with the same major patterns each day, or shift it based on what is present for you in this moment.

As such I choose to create a new reality. I choose a reality where……
(Now you think about what you DO want. What do you want your life to look like, and then visualize it as you say it. “Where I wake up feeling well rested, I feel fulfilled at my job, I have a harmonious and playful relationship with my partner or where I’ve met a partner who communicates with compassion and shares the same values as me. I choose to create a reality where money flows toward me in abundance and I am an excellent money manager, where I feel worthy of receiving money, where I easily attract the clients that will benefit most from working with me, etc etc.) Have as much fun as you can with this part :)

Finish with:
“Thank you. I AM loving awareness. I AM light.
It is done, it is done, it is done.”

Always complete by saying 5 things you are grateful for.

Perhaps even more important as the proclamations themselves, is the gratitude to seal it. This is the key code that aligns you with your dreams.
Do this for several days and you will begin to notice subtle shifts.
Do this for 40 days and you will create a new life.


For more information and personal support, connect with Jennifer.

Jennifer P