Womb Heart

Women's hands on womb

The infinite potential within you

This is where the deepest healing takes place.

Your womb holds it all. Memories, energy, powers, gifts…and the potential your soul came here to explore and express. The womb does not need “clearing”. However, since she will hold FOR you what you cannot consciously process or integrate, in order to hear & feel her clearly, you need to do excavate the subconscious.

Said differently, if you push down or ignore your emotions, or do not fully process traumatic or challenging experiences, your womb will hold that energy for you until you deal with it. And that is what needs to be cleared. (ps - this level of excavation is what we do at the Soul Heart level)

Along with holding all of your gifts and potential, your womb is also a portal to the other realms.

In other words, within your pelvic bowl is the most powerful gateway in existence.


Connect to Womb Consciousness = Connect to All Possibilities


As you connect with your womb, hearing her voice and heeding her wisdom…




You are part of the World Womb Web.

Women are designed to be in sisterhood. We are physiologically wired for it. Which is why the sisterhood wound of many of our childhoods is one of the core wounds that keep us from fully thriving. It makes us feel “separate” and not enough. 

When we are held by the feminine, in connection with other women, sharing our stories and seeing we are not alone, it heals us on multiple levels. 

Connection with our womb is connection with the feminine, our primordial and original template. This is what “coming home to ourselves” really means. Remembering our origins, and the ways of connecting with the natural cycles both within our bodies, and outside in nature.

Your connection to your Womb is your connection to infinite potential, your intuition, trust, sacred sisterhood and the healing power of other women.



Offerings that Bring Your Into Your Womb Heart


Womb Blessing Attunement

Heal your connection with your womb, and embrace your feminine energy. Come into harmony with your cycle and the archetypes which govern our phases. Click the button below to learn more about this powerful and special offering.


Retreats & Circles

Our Women’s Gatherings are a safe space to show up exactly as you are, and be fully loved there. The healing that happens when women gather ripples through our home, community and the world. Click the buttons to learn more.

The Soul Sisterhood Collective

Our monthly membership for like-minded women on a self-love and personal growth journey. Feel held and supported, with all the resources you need to thrive, knowing that you’re never alone. Click the button below to learn more.


Come Play, and Come Home.