Can I share my story?
This is me on sisterhood.
Can I share a little about my journey with you?
π I've felt awkward for a good portion of my life.
Always questioning myself, or wondering if what I just said was stupid.
On the outside I was confident, relaxed, happy.
Inside I felt alone and experienced debilitating anxiety.
I'd love to tell you I made a couple quick changes and my whole life turned around...but if anyone ever says that, please don't believe them.
True and lasting life changes take time and commitment
πΈ The first major shift was meditation. I developed a very basic, super simple, short meditation practice that I could sustain
πΈ I experimented with different diets that worked for MY body. I nourished myself with proper nutrition both in the form of food AND the material I was reading and listening to
πΈ I developed a yoga practice that centered around restorative yoga (until then I'd been a gym rat, loved hot yoga because it gave me a good workout and over-exerted myself to the point where my wrists were so injured I literally had no choice but to stop. Seriously. It was excruciating to turn my keys in the door lock)
πΈ I was studying tantra with a teacher. I was learning how to transmute sexual energy into vital life force. I was developing a foundation for a lifelong practice of merging the physical and the spiritual.
And that was all great. It was amazing. It was changing my life ** There was ONE thing though. One element that made it all easier
π₯ Because let me tell you - the path of personal growth is a bumpy one. You will come to see parts of yourself that you can't stand. That you feel guilty about. That you feel shameful for.
It's during those times on this beautiful path that you will start to feel alone. You will feel like you're going 1 step forward, 2 steps back. You'll feel like you have no idea what you're doing, that you're an imposter and maybe you should just quit. It was during those times that I leaned on that one thing. That one element that made it easier
π It was sisterhood. It was the like-minded souls who were going through this human experience too, who were committed to being authentic and who were choosing to show up even though it's way easier to just numb and push it down, continuing to play the role you think will keep you safe and accepted.
π We need community. We need sisterhood. That girlfriend you can share your most raw, vulnerable self with. Those sisters who lift you up and reflect your deepest beauty when you can't see it yourself.
π Women need sisterhood and men need brotherhood. (Or however you identify! Find others you relate to). Because these people become your reflections.
π When we meet in sacred space and share our vulnerable selves, we see our reflection talking to us. Seeing it coming from a beloved sister means that we feel more connected, rather than more isolated - which is what happens when we have challenging experiences. We isolate because we think no one will accept us.
π In sisterhood we see that we are not alone. And we strengthen our bonds.
π Then you can go back out into the world and share your unique gifts. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THE WORLD REALLY NEEDS. The world needs your heart open. It's the only thing that will steer us toward life. Otherwise you are simply walking toward death, and hoping it doesn't totally suck the whole way there.
π Live your best life. It's the most generous thing you can do. Truly, the greatest thing you can do for the world is to awaken.