Yoni-Heart: One of Your 3 Heart Centers

As a woman, you have 3 beautiful heart centers. When you are tuned-in and connected to all 3, it becomes so much easier to tune-in to and HEAR the messages from your womb. You start to radiate with love, magnetizing everything you need into your life. Self-care becomes non-negotiable, self-judgment dissolves, life feels more free and joyful, boundaries are strong and saying no without feeling guilty is easy. Your sensuality is heightened and every aspect of life is pleasurable, even the challenges. Seriously.


noun yo·ni \ ˈ yō-nē \

Sacred space from which all life emerges. Divine passage, source, the holder, matrix of generation, origin of all being, the birthplace of the universe.

The Yoni is both magical and erotic, a space of wisdom, creation and healing. The Yoni includes womb, uterus, vagina and vulva. It transcends the anatomical because it is also a temple where the divine female essence can be honored.

Your Womb is a Divine Portal, and Your Yoni is the Anchor.

Your womb is the center of creation and creativity. She is the channel which connects you to your intuition and "gut feelings" ​(womb feelings!) When you can tune-in to your womb, you gain access to your superpowers.

Your yoni is the channel that connects your womb to the earth, supporting you to feel grounded, safe, held and provided for. She reflects your patterns and beliefs around being supported, having your needs met and your divine right to receive love.

When you are connected to your yoni, when you honor and respect her, value and see her, you send out the message that this is how YOU ​deserve to be honored, respected, valued and seen. As above so below.

Your Womb Holds the Key Codes to All Your Dreams and Visions, and Your Yoni is the Channel to Fully Access Her Wisdom.

To activate the power of your womb, heal your connection to your yoni. This is where sisterhood, loving accountability, and safe space to rise in love with yourself comes into play. This journey inward, into your true authentic self, can be a confronting one. You're not meant to do it alone. Women are physiologically wired to be in community, in sisterhood.

You can join ours. All of you is welcome here ❣️

Try this:

Place your hands together in Yoni Mudra, just like in the photo.

Place your hands comfortably in your lap while holding the Mudra. Breathe deeply while focusing your inhale into your yoni. Exhale to feel the earth underneath you, supporting you and holding you.

Take slow deep breaths in this position for 3 minutes. See how you feel :)

Jennifer P