Shadow Work
You do not have to go anywhere, and there is nothing to “DO”.
The shadow consists of the parts of ourselves we’ve been taught to push down, be ashamed of, not accept, feel guilty about, judge, or think we won’t be loved because of. Shadow “work”, is the acknowledgement of, witnessing of, and allowing of every aspect of ourselves to exist.
Shadow work is scary because it requires a commitment to be with the things we have worked so hard to hide, deny and “change” (which has only created resistance and thus caused the wound to deepen and become stronger).
Shadow work is also one of the most fulfilling things we can do because it leads to a level of freedom to be who we are, without trying to define, rationalise, or fight the emotions within that so deeply desire to be expressed. It brings us to a place of knowing we are loved, simply because we exist, and not because of what we achieve.
Shadow work begins the moment you become aware of the thought, the emotion, the sensation, the trigger, the distraction. It continues as you notice that you’re judging it; catching the limiting thought, and simply being with it. Allowing it to exist. Becoming curious about it. And while shadow work doesn’t necessarily “end” (as once we are done looking at our own shadows, we begin working at the collective level), it CAN come to a “completion” when we find a place of neutral love and acceptance of the particular thought, emotion, etc in question.
Freedom grows out of the awareness of the now moment, and allowing it to Be, exactly as it is.
You are loved.
Practice being in the moment.
Practice being with yourself.
Practice self love and acceptance.
= Freedom, balance, pleasure, peace.