Final Moon Cylcle of 2022
Beloved soul,
If you can trust in the process of your unfolding, and breathe life into the possibility that everything happens for your highest evolution and soul growth...
Then fear will loosen its grip, the ego will stop clinging to the identity, and an easeful flow will surround you every step of the way.
This is freedom. This is peace.
And it is your most natural state.
When the illusions that keep you in your story are dissolved, and you clear the channel between your conscious mind and your higher Self, you can live in the truth of who you really are. And there is such a sweetness there.
There is a magic within you, as there is in every human, and you came here specifically to share that light.
Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Especially that judge in your head. The one built off concepts that society created, old traumas solidified, and the subconscious mind compacted.
We are in deep times.
Intense awakenings.
Expansive (and explosive) emotions catapulting to the surface from the pressure of being held under for far too long.
And now, we are entering into the final (complete) mooncycle of 2022. The opportunity here is to finish the year consciously and intentionally in order to begin the next in the same way - in full awareness that YOU ARE THE CREATOR, and what you focus on is what will appear in front of you (yes, that includes the thoughts and beliefs that go on in your subconscious too...)
The New Moon peaks on Wednesday November 23rd at 5:57pm EST in the sign of Sagittarius, and as the brilliant Tanaaz at Forever Conscious puts it:
“Take a breath and allow the revitalizing energy of the Sagittarius 2022 New Moon to filter through each cell of your being.
Allow each New Moon breath to wash away the stagnancy of the past. Any hurts, any pains, feel them being carried on the wind of your exhale.
If you were ever going to write down New Moon intentions, THIS IS THE MOON TO DO IT.
The power behind this moon, this time, this year, is launching us into 2023 and bringing us into a new and unprecedented INNERstanding of how divine we are. HOW DIVINE YOU ARE.”
The Practice:
I suggest carving out some dedicated time for yourself to take several deep breaths, sit quietly, and then journal your desires.
~ How you desire to feel.
~ What you desire to see around you.
~ Experiences you desire to have.
~ People you desire to be in your life.
~ The level of health, wealth, joy, play, ease, freedom, support, love, and acceptance you desire to welcome into and become your reality.
This is your time.
Don't just write it down once. Keep going throughout November, and into the December New Moon. Focus on your desires for this entire mooncycle!
And do you know what will happen?
Those unconscious beliefs that would block you from your desires will start to rise to the surface. So be ready. Because this is your chance to witness them, acknowledge them, and transmute them by showering them in loving awareness, forgiveness, and acceptance.
The power is in your hands, and oh my gosh the universe is rooting for you to succeed.
Blessings, blessings, blessings, dear beautiful beloved soul.